When it's your birthday, you treat, right? In the case of Ruben, who celebrated his 28th birthday in beautiful Luxembourg, we turned the tables. The treat was a beautiful ride through Luxembourg country, starting and finishing at Andy Schleck's impressive shop! At least, the plan was to make it a complete feast. But as with so many plans, the execution is still sometimes different. How that turned out? We take you on a journey between castles and Luxembourg hills. A cycling holiday in Luxembourg may go high on the bucket list right away.

Cyclinghalla Schleck

The wide door to Andy Schleck Cycles' shop swings open. Shop manager Denis welcomes us with a smile. We are led towards the back part of the shop, where Benoit welcomes us warmly. My eyes wander to the collection of jerseys on the wall. Among others, Andy's white jersey and a yellow jersey of Fabio Cancellara adorn the inside of the shop. It is definitely a treat to be here and especially today, as not only Ruben, but also Benoit is celebrating his birthday. Cake, croissants and chocolate buns are our portion and a nice espresso completes it all. Can you start a day any better? I marvel at a display case in the middle of the shop, where Andy's old bikes are displayed. Superb cycling history and that just south of the city of Luxembourg.


Back in time for a moment. Andy Schleck is perhaps Luxembourg's best-known sportsman. He wore the yellow jersey in the 2011 Tour de France for several days and, together with his brother Fränk, he graced the podium of that Tour. In those years, they gave colour to the peloton, alongside the grey-haired Cadel Evans and the drubbing Alberto Contador. Back in 2008, he won the white jersey at the Tour but already in 2014 he decided to end his career. Like many former pros, he started a shop, in Hesperange, a few kilometres outside Luxembourg City. Before this trip, we agreed to meet in the shop. A cherry on the birthday cake. It ended up being sour grapes because the weekend before our trip, we got word: 'Andy broke his leg and is in hospital'. Accept and adapt they say. Was this a prelude to this trip? Who knows. We will definitely come back again.

Through tunnels past castles

Luxembourg is a grand duchy. The Duke and Duchess of Luxembourg can (with a little effort) still be encountered live. Henri is currently the grand duke of this third smallest country (after Malta and Vatican City). Luxembourg is also known for its castles. Don't necessarily expect grand chateaux in the style of Louis the 14th or the 16th, but castles that ooze atmosphere and history. On our route, we come across quite a few. Funnily enough, we also see a lot of beautiful viaducts. Old overpasses, new spans. The ratio of beautiful viaducts to castles is almost 1:1. Extraordinary for a country not internationally acclaimed for architecture or infrastructure. We enjoy it no less. As a result, we are in a beautiful hotel: Hotel Martha in Mersch


Coffee and cycling are one. So when you are in Luxembourg, you better go for good coffee. Having already been spoiled at Andy Schleck's, it was an absolute must in Luxembourg City at Bloom Specialty Coffee stop. Ruben was celebrating his birthday and that should be celebrated with good coffee and cake. The stories beforehand were such that expectations were high. To be honest: it didn't dissapoint. The only issue was the receipt. The big city doubler had also landed here. But for a good coffee and a ditto piece of cake, I will gladly pay a bit more than average.

Autumn colours are in fashion

Back to cycling. Because on our first day, we were already surprised by the beautiful scenery and colours. Today's day started out greyish, chilly and that meant especially a warmer outfit for most. Gradually, the skies began to open up a bit. With that, the beautiful autumn colours reappeared. Riding along the river, it is a fairytale setting. The vicious climbs are the icing on the cake of a cycling holiday in Luxembourg

Planning and implementation

That not everything is rosy emerges in this trip. So beforehand, we hear of Andy's broken leg. Then we ride on Day 1 away at Ostergaard As Wouter's car breaks down. A screeching noise betrays a problem in the Skoda. A busy game of interest between local ANWB, garage and lease company ensues. It results in a trip to the garage, then to the car rental and then back again for one of us. To top it all off, we have a nasty crash during this drive. Iza slips hard on a sharp, steep and wet bend and crashes into the guardrail. Dennis cannot avoid her and falls with her. Result: broken handlebars, a few scratches and a broken shirt. But above all, a change of plan. Things happen. Accept and adjust. It in no way affects our assessment of this beautiful cycling area.

Cycling holiday routes in Luxembourg

If you're planning a cycling holiday in Luxembourg, be sure to check out the two routes we rode. One starts at Ostergaard's Bike Shop in Mersch, the other at Andy Schleck Cycles in Hesperange (just below Luxembourg City). Both routes are on lovely asphalt, right through the beautiful, Luxembourg countryside. So a good start to your ride is our hotel in Mersch, Hotel Martha.

Also useful for a cycling holiday in Luxembourg

Want even more inspiration about Luxembourg? Then read, for example, these two stories about cool routes:

Where to stay

  • We were very happy with the hotel. Hotel Martha is spacious, luxurious, good breakfast buffet, we could store the bike well and safely and it was perfectly located for the routes. The hotel's adjacent restaurant served a delicious three-course meal for less than 35 euros (!).

Other useful links? You can find them on the site of Visit Luxembourg!

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