Since 2022, we at Cycling Destination have been in love with Denmark. Not only because of the wonderful journey which we were allowed to make because of the Grand Depart. Our first encounter with the Herregårdsruten on Funen was also wonderful. Now we are back. Maks Groeneveld and Andrea Lodder have been on the road for us and in this three-part story they cycle on Funen a large part of the Mansion Route, as it is called in good Dutch. And that makes for great stories and pictures. Will you read along with this three-day report?

Sometimes you have sunshine, sometimes you have rain

Between the curtains, the Danish morning sun reveals that we are lucky. On our first day cycling the island Fyn the sun is shining. Unlike yesterday, the big yellow ball is shining in the clear blue sky. Before we get on our bikes, we sit down to an extensive Danish breakfast. Eaten round and in good spirits, we click in and roll out of Odense towards the north via characteristic Danish streets. The thing that immediately stands out are the typical Scandinavian houses. Blue facades alternate with bright yellow and ochre-coloured farmhouses. It is obvious that Danes are proud of their country, as you can see a red flag with a white cross flying on every street corner.

Cycling at funen = enjoyment

From the busy streets in Odense, we ride onto a narrow cycle path along the water. Soon we hear crunching sounds coming from under our narrow tyres. Gravel. A pleasant surprise, at us. Along the water some men are fishing, and further on some ducks are bobbing. Other than that, we meet few people in the first few kilometres, lovely! Until we suffer our first puncture. This was of course to be expected, but fortunately we were well prepared (for a change). So, new inner tube in and on we went. Very secretly with our bottoms squeezed together, because the first village is only about ten kilometres away. 

Sea view

With a view of the sea and the wind at our backs, we fly to Otterup. And as if fate were a tiny bit on our side after all, or rather not, puncture number two knocks on the door as we enter the village. The question then always arises: are we lucky or not? After asking around in the village, someone manages to point us to a bicycle shop a little further down the street. The typical 'bicycle shop on the corner', Cykelgallerite. There is no racing bike in the shop, but there are two very nice men with long hair and beards. Just what we need. There is a hefty tear in the outer tyre, so a new inner and outer tyre are fitted before we can continue. Of course, the sky gates have burst open in the meantime, so we shuffle into the chip shop down the road. Time efficient. 

Rain is psychic

It may sound strange, but we both love a good shower. So we quickly empty our plates and get back on our bikes in good spirits. And as has been the case all day, within minutes the sun is shining on us again. Great! The next few kilometres lead us through the Fynse interior. As far as you can call it inland on an island of just 3100km², but let's just say we can't see the sea right now. So inland. Cycling on Funen reminds us a bit of Groningen. Flat, few trees, lots of meadows (albeit without cows) and, of course, the sea. Quite peaceful, actually. Maybe that's why everyone is so relaxed here. 

The final stretch

Before we set sail for our final destination, we first cross Bogense. Via the northwest coast, we roll past the small fishing ports towards Middelfart. The vain hope of arriving dry soon evaporates when we ride into a dark grey cloud. Typical. Because behind us, the sun is still shining brightly, yet again we get soaking wet. We look at each other and both have smiles from ear to ear. What a great day! We stop at the water's edge for a moment, where a beautiful rainbow appears, contrasting beautifully with the dark grey sky. How lucky we are! As the day began, it also ends today on gently rolling gravel paths.

Sleeping on stand

We arrive at our hotel for the night, the Comwell hotel Kongebrogaarden. At check-in, of course, comes the question; where can we park the bikes tonight? To which the receptionist says; your room has plenty of space, just take them upstairs! It's that you can't cycle in the hotel room, but it certainly could have been done. What space!

Enjoy even after cycling

After a hot shower, we slide into the restaurant overlooking the Lillebæltsbro connecting the island of Fyn to mainland Jutland. An old metal railway bridge that crosses the water 'Snævringen'. We were told that dolphins sometimes swim here, but you need to be lucky if you want to spot them. And as we do have more luck today, that is now the case. During our dinner, which is definitely worthy of a star, about four to five small dolphins jump out of the water off and on. Let's call it a day, and fingers crossed for just as beautiful a day of cycling on Funen tomorrow! 

Cycling route Funen Herregardsruten - part 1

2 responses

  1. What a wonderful description of your trip. Very inviting if you like the weather.

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