Drizzle falls steadily from the sky. We have not yet cycled five kilometres up the Posbank (of the planned 85 kilometres) and it feels like I have been in the shower for an hour. It's cold, it feels like it's freezing. Inside me I hear voices: one laughing at me and shouting for me to stop, another urging me to keep going. 'You're not sugar, are you?' With every kilometre it gets wetter. Where I think the rain is slowly stopping, it is only the forest that keeps us dry. 'There's suds with your chamois!' shouts Dennis from behind me. Seriously? Is this really happening?


Having driven 15 kilometres, we stop to confer. Stopping in the cold and rain is almost a mortal sin. You either have to sit inside, or keep moving. Anyway, what's done is done. We carry on. For myself, I actually feel resignation. We started it, so let's finish it. We did the first beautiful climbs of the Posbank, but somehow I missed the beauty. That will come later. As we do some twists and turns we just start pedalling harder. When in doubt, pedal it out.

What preceded it

In late December 2021, early January 2022, Ruben and I thought it would be cool to do several micro-adventures. Micro-adventures are basically mini holidays. The idea is that you leave from home, then drive into the wilderness and then drive straight back home. You can also stay overnight somewhere and return home the next day. With that in mind, we planned a few days when we would go for it. With the idea: we give inspiration from 'home'. So home can be anywhere. Because not everyone lives in the Randstad.

Planning is one thing, execution is...

In consultation with Wouter, from our partner Etxeondo, we came up with a cool starting spot and route. Cycling on the Posbank, because it doesn't get much nicer than that. The start at Bicycle shop Roelofs in Arnhem. That's Perfect. The last Thursday of January. What could possibly go wrong. Not necessarily anything went wrong, but the outcome was a bit different from what we had initially imagined.

Curious about the outcome? Then check out our video below!

More Micro Adventures

In the near future, we will go on micro adventure more often. Would you like to come along for a ride? Then check our events page or send your tips directly via the email.
