Over the past few months, we have been creating a lot of content on cycling destinations. In the background, we have also been working on setting up various partnerships, the first of which we can now announce! In the coming period Cyclingdestination.cc, the inspiration platform for your next cycling adventure, has partnered with TrueKinetix From Hillegom.

Collaboration between Cyclingdestination.cc and TrueKinetix

With the TrueBike, TrueKinetix obviously delivers a bike that won't go off the rails. Still, we saw a few fun inputs to create inspiring content with this. We'll take a look this winter at how best to prepare for your next cycling adventure with the use of an indoor trainer.

We will also look at ways to enjoy your next destination a bit in advance through training apps. We know from experience that it absolutely pays to have already ridden a climb once. This is perfectly possible from the attic, garage, basement or your bedroom. With or without TrueBike. (well, with of course!).

We look forward to a great collaboration. If you have any great ideas for input? Let us know! The challenge that one of us has to pedal more than 1200 watts is noted. We just won't say who.


As a Triathlete, Bas van Rens had been facing the same challenge for years: how do I make sure I can deliver as much power in winter, on an indoor bike, as I can outdoors? That challenge seemed impossible to solve. Bas, a mechanical engineer himself, went looking for the solution and after a few years of sweat and sweat, the TrueBike was born. Since then, there are several versions and there is steady development.

The TrueBike should ensure that the indoor cycling experience feels just like the outdoors, and that you can simply deliver your power without having to take into account loss of strength or learning a different movement.

Editor's note

Despite having a commercial partnership, we write in our own title. Therefore, we also do not write paid reviews of products. We want to inspire your next cycling adventure. Nuff said

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