For those who think Denmark is boring, you are wrong. It may have a somewhat stuffy image and high ' ANWB' content, but nothing could be further from the truth. True, you're not going to encounter hugely bustling towns, and you won't have any trendy coffee shops on the way. But for those who want to enjoy nature and peace and quiet, this is a true haven. This is immediately confirmed today after 15 minutes of cycling when we ride into a chilling seal. Not literally of course, but in a small harbour (which acts as a backyard for some people) a seal is enjoying the warm morning sun.With us, with a bit of luck you might have a fat pigeon sitting in the backyard, here they make do with a seal. In Herregårdsruten: cycling on Funen, we take you on a journey!

Read also: Cycling on Funen - On the road with Andrea and Maks - Day 1 

Text: Andrea Lodder - Photos: Maks Groeneveld/Andrea Lodder

On to Helnæs

Today we drive to a more southerly town, near the Helnæs peninsula. Between the harbours and the farmlands, we wind our way inland again. The wind is favourable, so that makes a big difference. It is a lot hillier today than it was yesterday. Actually, this is more in keeping with the image we had of Denmark, and what also stands out is that we see many more castles and old buildings along the route. Now I also understand the name 'Herregårdsruten' or the 'Mansion Route' a bit more. On Funen (Fyn) is home to the most castles and old mansions, as many as 123. More than anywhere else in Denmark!


Around lunchtime, we drive into the village of Aarup. In search of a bakery. Because fair is fair, the Danes know what tastes good. For instance, the Funen speciality 'Brunsviger' is a delicacy you absolutely must not miss when in Denmark. A big flat airy cinnamon cake topped with a brown sugar syrup. Doesn't sound wrong right! Ideal bike food we say. At the local bakery 'Brødkrummen', we satisfy our hunger and enjoy the sunshine for a while on a bench in the city centre. It's nice to see that everyone knows each other here. It has a cosy face, the bakery on the corner. People come and go and all greet each other kindly.

Cobblestones in the castle

Yesterday and today we did have almost all surfaces under our wheels. Anything but really good cobblestones. After passing the courtyard of 'Krengerup' castle, we can cross this one off the list as well.This is the most imposing structure we have encountered so far. Surrounded by outbuildings and farmhouses, this is a beautiful and striking structure. The nice thing too, the road through the courtyard is just used as a normal thoroughfare. As if time has stood still a bit here.

Cars are also beautiful

On the way, we pass the big car gallery Strøjer Samlingen. When you love beautiful bikes, beautiful cars often do something for you too. Here is a collection of cars that says U. From old racing cars to the Aston Martin from the James Bond film 'Die Another Day'. Want to go in here? Then you'll have to make a call in advance, but it certainly looks worth it!

On to the sea

Having seen all the tourist attractions, we cycle towards the sea again. Where we turn left at the town of Assens towards the Helnæs peninsula. A short stretch along the sea and then a nice long tarmac road to the hotel. Today we spend the night at the GL Brydegaard hotel. A converted farmhouse which almost looks like a fairy tale. The driveway consists of, how could it be otherwise, a gravel path.A large white farmhouse with characteristic dark wooden beams. We are given the most cosy room imaginable, adjacent to a large dining area overlooking a meadow where a couple of sheet-fed cows are grazing. Delightfully rural.

Dinner is served

Dinner consists of small works of art made from beautiful local and fresh produce. By the looks of it, only three other people are staying next to us, so the chef has done more than his best on these beautiful dishes.We toast to another great day in the saddle. Tomorrow is already the last day!

Herregårdsruten: cycling on Funen route day 2

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