The number of cycling clinics is mushrooming. Not only for the ordinary cyclist, but also for corporate clinics there is a wide range on offer. Yet I personally know only a few people who have participated in a clinic, altogether a small group who have consciously chosen to do so. Many cyclists, both cyclists and gravel riders, 'just' started practising their hobby. Technique has been learnt through tips from a 'friend' or sometimes through a club trainer. There is no cycling clinic involved. Discover the Benefits of a cycling clinic in this article.

Text and photos: Sander Kolsloot

Working on your skills

Still, cycling clinics are a fine way to work on your cycling skills. I myself have been cycling for almost 20 years, but I have also picked up a lot 'from hearsay'. I still clearly remember the first time I descended a hill. At over 60 kilometres per hour, hands on top of the handle and go. I shat all the colours of the rainbow. A few years later, I went down a steep hill near Lucca. I had no idea and almost flew out of the corner. If only I had done a 'climb and descent clinic' then. Ah well, you're never too old to learn.

Now many years later, I find that sometimes it is quite nice to refresh some knowledge. I myself took part in a 'Grip on Gravel' clinic by That was again very enlightening. Especially because I had crashed hard the year before, especially with graveling. I would actually recommend everyone to book a cycling clinic. Why? I'm going to explain that to you in brief.

Why you should participate in a cycling clinic

  1. Expert Guidance: When you sign up for a cycling clinic, you get access to experienced coaches and instructors who are experts at what they do. That means you are always out with someone who can do something better than you. While that seems to be a big problem for some men, it's actually super convenient. So don't miss this opportunity and ask questions! Even if you think you can do everything already.
  1. Safety First: Often, you are used to riding in a certain group or generally ride alone. If you then suddenly ride in a different group, being safe on the road is very important. A cycling clinic helps you to be safe on the road. In my case, Gert Jakobs was also present, who once again emphasised the importance of getting home safely: "If you sometimes see how those people go down the street, I always say: pin a number on, then you can be on the road by yourself! Thus the former professional. Noted.
  1. Skills Enhancement: As was the case with the 'grip on gravel' clinic conducted by Maikel Govaarts, it was mainly about improving skills. Key points were cornering technique, braking, agility on the bike, shifting gears. These skills not only make you a better cyclist, but also improve your overall cycling experience.
  2. Building self-confidence: This part is not to be underestimated. A lot of cyclists are cramped on their bikes, mainly because of fear. Fear of going downhill, fear in corners, with all sorts of unpleasant side-effects, such as unpredictability in a group. The risk of falls then increases, both for the cyclist and his or her companions. If cyclists are more confident on their bikes, it is actually better for everyone on the road.
  3. Meet new people who are equally enthusiastic about cycling: Cycling clinics are a wonderful and easy, unbound opportunity to get to know other cyclists. At (big) events, this is often a bit harder, when everyone is busy with their own thing. So now you have more space to exchange tips, stories and experiences with other cyclists. This is also an important part of an advanced clinic. In any case, I personally find it one of the reasons to participate again.
  4. Goals Achieve: It's simple: you want to get better and a clinic is ideal for that. Because in the case of a climb and descent clinic or a clinic teaching you how to breathe better you are going to benefit from that for a longer period of time.
  5. Stepping up to More: Usually, a cycling clinic is a stepping stone to more. If it's to get back after an injury or to become a better climber/daler or thus better at gravel, a cycling clinic is a great starting point. Usually, after level 1, you also want to go to level 2, or do one every year, for your self-confidence (see point 4). What's more, sometimes cyclists continue cycling together after a successful clinic and before you know it, they are together on Mallorca! (Just to mention something crazy.

Discover the Benefits of a cycling clinic:

Taking part in a cycling clinic is a wise investment in your cycling skills. It offers the opportunity to learn from experts, improve your skills, build your confidence and meet other enthusiasts. So, if you want to take your cycling adventures to new heights (literally and metaphorically), consider attending enroll for a cycling clinic and embark on an exciting journey to become a more proficient and confident cyclist.

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