Starting Mountain Biking Part 2 - Where to start?

After our first article on mountain biking, you have naturally become extremely enthusiastic about giving it a try. But how can you get a good start in the Netherlands? What do you need and where can you go? We give you some tips and tricks to make your first MTB ride a success. Rent a [...]

Five reasons to start mountain biking

Ella, MTB, starten met mountainbiken

Adventures on road and gravel bikes are not unknown to us. Both editors and readers include many enthusiastic gravel and road cyclists. Yet we also hear other noises. Mountain biking? Yes definitely, mountain biking. Ella gives you five reasons to start mountain biking Cycling is what unites us We are all cyclists, who [...]

Cycling in Verbier: number one by a mile

Verbier, fietsen, uitzicht, beklimming

I start this article with a bold conclusion: Verbier is without a doubt one of the best MTB and cycling destinations in the Alps. While most people will know this village in Valais as a renowned ski resort, in summer it is transformed into a true cycling paradise with great infrastructure. After all, the lifts are there [...]
