Podcasts are popping up like mushrooms. Consequently, making a podcast has become increasingly accessible. Fun for anyone who loves cycling and likes to listen to great stories from the race, great race stories from amateur cyclists or about gravel adventures at home and abroad. We delved into the world of cycling podcasts and collected 7 tips for great cycling podcasts for you. Ultimately, this is a personal preference, so if you know any other podcasts that we should ALSO include in this list: be our guest and let us know in the comments

Our 7 tips for great cycling podcasts

  1. The Pedaleurs Podcast (powered by Hetiskoers): admittedly, we are fans of the men of pedaleurs. The podcast is a mixture of our own cycling adventures, such as the trip from Rectum to Aars. But they also interview other cyclists having cool adventures. The podcast is bi-weekly and it is the perfect background for a few hours of Zwiften. Maarten, Robbert, Niels and Ferdi (with good old Bastiaan as an occasional guest) make that a lot more enjoyable. If you like this podast as much as we do, support them with a donation!
  2. Live Slow Ride Fast. Perhaps this is the Dutch mother of all podcasts about life on two wheels. Laurens ten Dam is the show's big man, but declarer Stefan Bolt and regular talking head Thomas Dekker also make appearances. The men's specials are legendary, with other well-known guests also making appearances. The 'Getting Better' podcast made together with Jim van den Berg (JOIN) is also highly recommended
  3. Cycloworld the Podcast. Herman and Frank run this podcast which is mainly about riding CycloSportives and GranFondos at home and abroad. As an authority in this field, they know everything about these types of bicycle races. En passant, they talk to nice guests, take a look at a specific region or talk endlessly about equipment. Nice variety as far as we are concerned and can also be listened to biweekly.
  4. Courage with Vera Koedooder. Female voices in podcast are already rare. A podcast run solely by a lady is almost unique. Vera is a former pro and brings that experience to her stories. Ine Beyen, also a former pro, supports her and together they go great! The topics are mostly related to women's racing, but the broadcast 'fat important' is certainly of interest to every cyclist!
  5. Red Lantern. This one should not be missing from this list. De Rode Lantaarn is arguably the best podcast in the Netherlands. With stories about the race, off the race, backgrounds and more. This is no buffoonery and there is a reason why they regularly appear in the theatre with their podcast. Like recently in Amsterdam. Tim, Jonne and Maaike run this podcast with enthusiasm. Cool to hear. This podcast is a bit longer on average. So also great for a long indoor workout.
  6. Arriere de la Course. A lovely piece of flat North Dutch nattering about cycling. With stories from the race, about the race, from the race. Real cycling talk, as they put it themselves. Michiel, Wilco and Peter easily fill an hour. I'm sure that's down to the Koerspret beer.
  7. Chatting away with Roxane Kneteman and Ellen van Dijk. Ok. I'll just admit it honestly. I am a fan of Roxane Kneteman. In all her appearances on TV and radio, it radiates. Enthusiasm, genuine love for the race and I find her commentary very knowledgeable. A breath of fresh air compared to many of her colleagues. The podcast with Ellen is entertaining. Roxane has the upper hand, but Ellen's insights and additions are good!

DISCLAIMER: As a platform for cycle tourism and cycling enthusiasts, WE DON'T RECOMMEND being distracted in traffic in any way. Phone, radio, music and thus also podcast do not belong on the bike, in our opinion, but next to it. The only exception is if your bike is idling in an indoor space. However much one would like to claim that using other means such as bone conducting headphones etc, you CAN cycle with music, it is and remains a form of distraction. Especially in heavy traffic in the Netherlands, this is an added risk. Better safe than sorry.

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