Cycling in the Pyrenees? Argelès-Gazost is your starting point

The Pyrenees are rugged, the climbs are irregular, the weather perhaps less predictable than in the Alps. Cycling in the Pyrenees is a feast for the eyes, but it is also a real challenge. Luckily, we will help you on your way with the best location for your next cycling adventure in the Pyrenees. Would you like to [...]

Starting Mountain Biking Part 2 - Where to start?

After our first article on mountain biking, you have naturally become extremely enthusiastic about giving it a try. But how can you get a good start in the Netherlands? What do you need and where can you go? We give you some tips and tricks to make your first MTB ride a success. Rent a [...]

To dream away: the EuroVelo route network

eurovelo - zeeuwsvlaanderen

Imagine a bike ride from the North Cape to Malta. 7700 kilometres of pedalling through nine countries. From the far north to the sunny south, across the Alps, through world cities and past UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Sounds fantastic doesn't it? And it can be done, without spending weeks planning your own route! In this article, [...]

Indoor training in preparation for your cycling holiday

Are you going on a cycling holiday soon? But can't manage to cover enough kilometres during the day (in dry conditions)? That is one of the reasons to start training indoors. Especially in autumn and winter, when the number of daylight hours is less than in summer, the choice between not cycling or indoor [...]

10 Sunny Cycling Destinations for a Beautiful Autumn Holiday

Although you can cycle in any weather, cycling in the sun is perhaps the best. Not too much, because 40 degrees is another thing. But about eighteen degrees, just enough to ride short-short? We don't say no to that. I like riding in warm sunshine in autumn too. [...]

Arima Hotel in San Sebastian: cycling destination approved

Arima hotel, bicycle, giant bikes, basque country, spain

Bike hotels are not infrequently functionally equipped places. Everything is there, but if you're honest, you wouldn't book that hotel with your partner. Unless you are both bike crazy, but even then. In the Basque Country, they have found something to that. The beautiful Arima Hotel & Spa, on the south side of San Sebastian, [...]

10 must-haves for novice cyclists

When you start cycling, there is a lot of information that comes at you. Not all the information is useful at the time. Because does it matter whether you have a 10-speed, 11-speed or 12-speed group? And whether you have SRAM, SHIMANO or CAMPAGNOLO on your bike? SPD or KEO? Does [...]
